Saturday 17 September 2011

Famous boat race in Kerala

There are mainly five famous boat Race in kerala.These are, Nehru vallam kali, Aranmula uthrattathi vallam kali, Champakulam moolam , Payippattu vallamkali and Rajiv Gandhi trophy boat race. 

Nehru trophy boat Race 
The Nehru trophy boat race was first conducted in 1952 In Alappuzha when the honorable Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru visited alapuzha. And he establishes the trophy for the winners. In this boat race around 16 chundan vallams participitate. The race is conducted on the second saturday of August in Punnamada lake. The winner of 2011 is Devas Chundan.

Chambakulam Boat race

This is the famous boat race in kerala, The Race is conducted on the chambakulam lake on the moolam day. There is a close relation between Sree Krishna temple at Ambalappuzha and chambakulam boat race. The day of the installation of the deity at the temple on the moolam day of midhunam the boat race conducted.

Aranmula Uthrattadi Vallamkali

This boat race is conducted during the season of onam festival. This is a water fiesta and not importance for the competition. The palliyodam used in the aranmula uthrattatjhi vallamkali. The palliyodam is a big luxurious boat used by royalty.

Payippad Jalotsavam

This is a three day annual fiesta on the Payippad Lake. This place is around 35km from Alappuzha. The Payippad jalotsavam conducted on the installation of the deity at the subramanya swamy temple. The story behind this temple is that the people of the village decided to build a temple with sree Ayyappa as the presiding deity. But after the completion of the temple they had a vision directing them to the Kayamkulam Lake where they would find the idol of Sree Subramanya which was to be installed at the temple.

Rajiv Gandhi trophy boat race

This boat race is conducted on the memory of late Mr.Rajiv Gandhi visit Kuttanadu on fifith September 1985, the trophy for the Winners of boat race is donated by late Sri K.Karunakaran the CM of kerala.

The track length of normal boat race is 1400m.

Different types of Boats

Kochuvallams are Small boats used to cross rivers and Lake. The size of the boats may vary according to their purpose. Kettuvallam are largely cargo movers. Churulans boats are enjoying boats, these boats only used by the rich peoples in olden days. The length of churulan vallam are vary between 12 ½ to 20 ¼ Koles and contain around 10 to 36 peoples.

Chundans are historically navy boats of Chembakasserry, The length of the boat is more than a hundred feet and contain around hundred people are on boat.The shape of boat is different that is both end of the boat is raised from the water level. Around eighty six persons are rowers ten to fifteen people gives rhythm and four are to steer the vesselThe chundan vallam s have more peoples than all other race boats. The length of chundan vallam are vary from 38 ½ to 48 ½ koles (One koles being equivalent to 24 inches) and accommodate around 100 to 150 peoples.

Veppu Vallam is also known as Parunthuvalams. The Veppu vallam is different from all other boats in their design. The length range of boats between 28 ¼ to 32 ¼ Koles and contain 28 to 36 rowers.Another type of boat is Oadis. This type of boat is also known as Iruttukuthies. These types of boats are mainly used for smuggling. They have high speed due to its design. The end of both sides are equals.the length range between of 28 ¼ to 32 ¼ Koles and contain 40 to 60 rowers.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Ayurveda -Panchakarma Treatments

In Ayurveda Panchakarma is an important treatment. Panchakarma is a purifying therapy to improve the metabolic process through food and herbal medicines. Panchakarma treatment is mainly used to balance the tri-Doshas that are vatha pitha and kapha. Vamana (vomiting), virechana(purging), basthi(therapeutic enema), Nasya karma (Nasal therapy)and Raktamokshana (therapeutic bloodletting). These are the five Panchakarma treatments.

The Panchakarma treatment contains three stages Purva karma (Pre-treatment), Pradhama karma (Primary-treatment) and Paschath karma (After-treatment).These three stages are must followed by the patient who choose any one of the five therapies.

Purva Karma (Pre-treatment)

Oil therapy, massage and fomentation therapy these are the Purva karma treatments. In this Purva karma treatments snehana (oil therapy) and Svedana (Sudation) are the important therapies. By conducting Snehana (inner and outer oleation) the toxins stuck in different parts of the body will be separated. Snehana is administering sneha or snigdha dravyas in the form of taila, gritha, vasa (muscle fat) and majja (bone marrow) to the body. The sneha is given with herbs is to help a particular patient’s disease. If sneha is given without adding herbs is called achcha sneha. This type of treatment is more powerfull. The maximum days of snehana treatment is seven days and this conducted in early morning. Snehana helps to balance the tri dhoshas.

Oil massage (abhyangha) is an important treatment in ayurveda, the duration of this massage is about 45 minutes. The procedure of these treatments is two therapists massage on either side of the patients who lies on a wooden bed. In this treatment the foot area is more concentrated because the foot area containing more nerve nodal points (Marmas) which have direct connection to the interval organs. The right foot is massaged with clockwise direction and the left foot is massaged in anti-clockwise direction. While conducting the treatment the patient lies down in seven standard positions.

Depending on the disease svedana is given to the patient for cleaning the whole part of the body. By using the fire-saagni sweda steam of medicated herbs is given. Without using fire this treatment is called anagni sweda,done by sitting under the sun, being in thirst, hunger, covering the body with thick bed sheets, or being in a closed dark room. Svedana is conducted for amplify channels in the body to facilitate the movement of the ama towards the koshta. Fomentation covers both dry and sticky materials (snigha dravyas). After this treatment doshas will be liquefied. Svedana conducted after abhyanga. After completing all these treatments the patients will ready for the next stage that is vamana and other procedures.

Pradhana Karma (Primary treatment)

This treatment contain Vamana (Emesis or Vomiting), Virechana (Purging), Vasti (therapeutic enema), Nasya (nasal therapy)and rahtamokshana .The primary treatment itself called Pancha karma.

Vamana Karma (Vomiting)

This treatment is used for correcting the kapha imbalance. Before this treatment the patient conducted abhyanga (oil massage) and taking Ghee in diet that is kaphagenic diet is prescribed for the patient. By applying this Kapha in the body will be aggravated. Vamana Karma is used for Kapha imbalance like Bronchitis, Cold, Cough, Asthma, Sinus, & Excess mucus. Vamana is emesis therapy, expelling doshas through mouth. By applying Snehana and swedana the toxins and vitiated doshas transported to stomach (amashaya). By conducting Vamana these toxins and vitiated doshas blow out through mouth. Vamana karma is conducted in early morning and not conducted in empty stomach. Vamana is conducted for the diseases like cough, asthma, indigestion, poisoning, tonsillitis, nasal discharge, tuberculosis. Loud speech, overeating, continued sitting, too much walking, anger, anxiety, coitus, retention of natural urges have to be avoided after Vamana karma.

Virechana Karma (Therapeutic Purgation)

This treatment is used for pitta disorders. Virechana is conducted to eliminate excess toxins and vitiated doshas through purgation. Skin disorders, Acidity, Heart burn, Peptic ulcer, Jaundice, Intestinal parasites these are controlled by conducting virechana. Toxins and vitiated doshas from blood, liver and intestines are expelled by conducted virechana. After completing snehana and swedana virechana applied for the patient and the time will be around 8-9 am. Patients who have pitta dosha disorders like Skindiseases, jaundice, constipation, headache, fistula, hemorrhoids, intestinal parasites, herpes, anemia, edema etc suggested this therapy.

Vasti Karma (Enema)

This treatment is used for vatha disorders like Chronic Constipation, bloated stomach, gases, malnourished people, sexual disorders, constipation, backache, Spinal pain. In Panchakarma vasti karma is most important. During these procedures vata dosha in the body loosened and removed out of the body through rectum. Nirooha Vasti and Anuvasan Vasti are the two types of vasti karma depend upon the body type. In Nirooha vasti herbal decoction is used. But in Anuvasan vasti herbal oil is used. By conducting vasti karma toxins and vitiated doshas removed through anus. The meaning of vasti is urinary bladder. In older times the apparatus of vasti karma is prepared with urinary bladder of animals so this treatment is called vasti karma.

Nasya Karma.

In this treatment the liquid herbal preparations or medicated oils pours through nose. This treatment is known as Shirovirechana. During this therapy the toxins and vitiated doshas removed through nose and mouth. The nasya karma is classified in to four these are Navana Nasya (Medicated oil used), Avapidana Nasya (squeezed juice of herbs is used), pradhamana nasya (Inhale powered herbs) , Dhuma nasya (Inhale fumes of medical herbs ). Nasya karma is conducted for the diseases like tonsillitis, stiff neck, stiff jaw, headache, sinusitis, stammering etc.

Raktamokshana (therapeautic bloodletting)

In this treatment the vitiated blood removed from the different parts of the body. Raktamokshana is classified in to two. By Sastra prayoga and By Anusastra prayoga. Sastra prayoga again classified in to Siravedhana and Prachchana and Anusastra also again classified in to Alabu,Shrunga and jalauka. For Pachchana used surgical instruments .leech application is another method of raktamokshana.

Paschat Karma (post-treatment)

In this treatment the digestion power of the body intensified, which will decrease after the pradanakarma treatment.

Friday 26 August 2011

Kathakali The Classical Drama of Kerala.

Kathakali the classical drama of Kerala was originated in Kerala 400 years ago. Kathakali is an art form where music, dance and drama are incredibly synchronized that is in Kathakali constitutes three fine arts, abhinayam or acting, nrityam or dancing, and geetham or singand. 

In Kathakali there is a perfect combination of five elements of arts. Expressions (Natyam), Dance (Nritham), Enactment (Nrithyam), Song/vocal attribute (Geetha), Instrument attribute (Vadyam).

In Kathakali, the story is accomplished purely by the movements of the hands called mudras and by facial expressions called rasas and bodily movements. The expressions are developed from Natyashastra. There are 24 basic mudras, Each can again classify into 'Samaana-mudras that is one mudra represent two items or misra-mudras that is both the hands are used to show these mudras.

Sringaram that is amour ,Hasyam that is humour ,bhayanakam that is fear, Karunam that is desolation, Roudram that is anger, Veeram that is valor, Beebhatsam that is disgust, Adbhutam that is wonder and last one is Shantam these are the nine facial expressions of a Kathakali artist called Navarasams.

The performing artist does not sing or speak in Kathakali,Manipravalam is the language of the songs used in Kathakali. Though most of the songs are set in ragas based on the Carnatic music, there is a distinct style of plain-note interpretation, which is known as the Sopanam style. In Kathakali there are four music instruments used these are Chenda , Maddalam, Chengila and elathalam. The music created using these instruments called melam. Usually there are two singers to sing the music. In the two singers one of them uses chengila to create a rhythamic steady beat.

The most famous stories in Kathakali are Nalacharitham(story from Mahabharatha), Duryodhana vadham (concentrate in Mahabharatha war), Kalyanasougandhikam(the story of Bhima going to get flowers for his wife Panchali), Keechakavadham, Kiratham (Arjuna and Lord Shiva's fight, from the Mahabharata), Karnashapatham, Nizhalkuthu.

In Kathakali the vesha that is costume is mainly classified into four, Pacha(Sathwika, the hero), Kathi(the villain), Minukku(for female characters) and Thaadi. These are the four costumes used in Kathakali.

Pacha- The make-up known as pacha is allotted to hero of the story,Examples of those characters are Dhirodatta,noble kings like Nala , Yudhishtra, Rukmangada, Arjuna and Bhimsena. All characters under pacha wear Kiritas But when it comes to characters like Vishnu, Krishna or Rama the Kiritas changed to Mudi,so this costume is also refered to as mudi. The facial make-up are same both mudi and pacha except that Krishna wear dark jacket rather than purple or red jacket from Pacha.

Kathi- The costume is similar to pacha except that in the make-up. , a knife-shaped pattern is drawn on either cheek in red pigment and a small ball is fixed to the tip of the nose and also in the fore-head. This costume is usually for villain characters like Ravana, kamsa and Duryodhana. Except that pacha characters kathi characters make fearful noises when the emotion expressed.

Thadi-Thamoguna that is wickedness is represent in this costume, there are three types of thadis red black and white.The red Thadi is normally given to extremely wicked characters like Rakshasas or those men’s like Dussasana. Destructive evil force is represented in red thadi costume. The crown of the white thadi is known as Vattamudi, a formal military hat-like headgear and a white beard,the example of white thadi character is Hanuman(A preeminent character in Hindu mythology).Black thadi the costume is given to such a characters like kali in Nalacharitha,Like red thadi this is also represent evilness. The make-up is the same as that of the red thadi except that the beard alone in black color.

Kari-The kari is purely black costume, The make-up in face the jackets and the skits all are in black. The headgear is the same.the costume is used to characterize the human beings both women and men. They also provide some voice like howling.

Chutti- The white make-up plays an important role in Kathakali make-up.In the older time chutti was laid using mixture of rice paste and lime.But now the base is laid with paste and the balance made of paper. The chutti is used to increase the outline of the face,so that the facial expression can be clearly marked out.

Minukku-The make-up is usually used for female characters. The costume and make-up is entirely different from other characters.In Minukku costume the face is painted with yellowish orange color. Women, sages and Brahmanas appear in 'Minukku'. Other characters who appear in Minukku are charioteers and messengers.

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